Archive for the ‘Sugar’ Category

5 Minutes to Deep Peace on Thursday 9/13

September 11, 2007

You will be entertained at the very least and enlightenment is an option.

Thursday, 9/13, there is a teleconference call where you can learn more about this. There will be sample meditations and a chance at a free gift worth $400. 

Trust me. You want to try this. The IAM Meditations are the product of the fertile mind of Steven Sashen who is also responsible for much of the Shampoo Method we talk about here every day.

It’s completely safe. I’d trust this guy with my life.

This feeling, this is what we have all been looking for our whole lives. It’s like coming home.

Love, Ann  

Shampoo Series – Nothing Tastes Good

April 18, 2007

I’m trying to eat only what I want and only what tastes good, but nothing is tasting good.

Tamari almonds have a slightly rancid taste. My Braeburn apple is mealy. The Earl Grey tea – the maple syrup in it, really – has that bitter sugar aftertaste and the caffeine will send me to the bathroom all day.

None of that is what I want, but the rich purple tea cup  is delicious to look at and the warmth on my hands is pulling me inward. I cleared papers off the desk to put it where I could glance at it once in a while.

This has been going on for a while.

I just don’t know what to eat.

Not surprising. For lots of reasons.

It’s parallel to why I’m on my 32nd day of complete sexual abstinence (self and other).

Sex didn’t feel good.

It felt tense and worried, sometimes hurried.

That’s why I’m abstaining from self-pleasuring as well as sex with others. I got bored with what was often just a little relief that only left me very, very hungry.

It’s been a joke for a while:

What does Ann want after you give her orgasms? More orgasms.

Sure, I know how to relax and have some really blissful far-out mind-blowing see-God orgasms.

But I wasn’t taking the time or paying the attention to doing that. Even wanting that was stressful.

So if I don’t know what I want, I’ll just want nothing for a while.

I get hungry or I get horny. 

I relax the wanting contraction or repair an opposite  or inquire about my thinking. I can notice whether I’m eating something or thinking about sex and orgasms with myself or someone else because I want Safety, Control or Approval.

Maybe I eat something and it doesn’t taste good. Or maybe it does. Once in a while it does.

It’s just kind of a process. The Buddhists might call it mindfulness.

Steven tells a story, I think it’s in the All That Is IAM Meditation, about a time when he was at a conference eating cafeteria food. They had an all-you-can-eat thing set up. He was just blissing out on how good everything tasted.

Then he heard someone complaining about how bad the food was. He checked his food again. It was pretty bad, actually.

Rather than buying into that “tastes bad” story, he says he chose to just stick with his story about how good everything was.

Hmm, now there’s an idea.

On the other hand, I could definitely stand to drop a few pounds. And waiting for a suitable mate is definitely on my agenda.

Maybe I’ll just stick with the story about how, so far, nothing tastes good. Maybe that contrast will help me notice when it does taste good?

I don’t know, but I’m going to play with this some more.

Do you have any suggestions?

Love, Ann

Shampoo Series – God Has No Bitter Aftertaste

April 10, 2007

One of the things I am noticing while I fast from food and sex is that the sweetness I’m experiencing right now has no bitter aftertaste.

I think “I want sex” or “I want chocolate,” but really, most of the time, those both have a bitter aftertaste. No, of course not always, but often.

I did Steven’s Goal-Free Goal Setting Meditation this morning. That is the final IAM Meditation. It’s the last one because it incorporates several of the others and assumes you’ve done those first and know how.

Yes, the following page is a sales page, but I’m not asking you to buy anything, just showing you where to find it if you want it.

Instant Advanced Meditation – Free Sample

Anyway, after I did the meditation I had the thought that when I go after something that isn’t really meeting the hunger it was meant to fill, like sugar, chocolate, coffee, and sex without love & connection, there is definitely a bitter aftertaste.

If I ran it through The Work of Byron Katie it would go something like:

I want sex/chocolate.

Is it true? No. Absolutely? No.

(By the way, it’s fine if your answer is Yes. Mine just isn’t. There are no right or wrong answers.)

How do I react when I believe I want sex/chocolate?

I eat it.  (Go ahead, snicker, I did.)

I indulge in whatever form of sex or chocolate is available within my limits. I feel guilty. I stress over whether to have it or do it or not. I’m tense. I am not myself. I’m hard to be around. You can continue your own list.

Who would I be without this thought, I want sex/chocolate?

Myself. Peaceful. Noticing the bliss inside me. High. Very high. Like God.

And then I notice that this has no bitter aftertaste. I ate a bit of chocolate yesterday and after I swallowed, the bitterness of the sugar really bothered me, same with the maple syrup in my tea. It was fine while it was in my mouth, but then, yuck. That nearly kept me from having tea with maple syrup today, but no, not quite.

So, I can Zoom In on the Edges of the feeling of the sugar on my tongue or the Edge of the bitterness it left on my tongue. (Doing that now, since I just drank some vanilla tea.)

It’s funny. With the Zooming In meditations, the farther in I go, the less I can find the sensation anymore, or my word for it changes, but usually, there is just Space. I guess that makes sense. I’ve heard that there is far more Space than Matter making up what we call the world.

I like that thought – more Space than Matter.

Do you see the metaphor? Just in case, I’ll spell it out:

It doesn’t matter much. There is plenty of space.

Oh God, right now the radio is playing Seven Bridges Road by The Eagles. Jesus, I love the harmonies in that. Definitely lots of space, no bitter aftertaste.

Love, Ann

“Seven Bridges Road”

There are stars
In the Southern sky
Southward as you go
There is moonlight
And moss in the trees
Down the Seven Bridges Road

Now I have loved you like a baby
Like some lonesome child
And I have loved you in a tame way
And I have loved you wild

Sometimes there’s a part of me
Has to turn from here and go
Running like a child from these warm stars
Down the Seven Bridges Road

There are stars in the Southern sky
And if ever you decide
You should go
There is a taste of time sweetened honey
Down the Seven Bridges Road

             – The Eagles