Archive for the ‘Healing Through Motion’ Category

My Body Hurts – Is That True?

December 17, 2008


No, not all of it.  🙂

This is what always happens when I start doing exercise. 

Is *that* true?

Sunday I had been doing a minute or so on Drew’s elliptical trainer for a few days. I was feeling better in my body.  So, I tried doing 2 whole minutes.  Made it. Barely.  I did it again that evening.  And I think I jumped on it for a few seconds at another time or two.
I did my 15 minute Egoscue routine. Plus  15 minutes on each side in the hated Tower that hurts to use.  I’ve described it.  It is designed to straighten my knees – hurts like hell while I’m in it and when I move from one position to another, but I walk straighter when I’m done.
Monday I only did some on the elliptical before work, maybe a little after. Don’t recall. 
I could barely move. Everything hurt. I took a bath in hot water and dead sea salts.
Today?  *shrug*  Some pain, lots of lethargy, heaviness in my muscles.
I had been on this Mexican food thing – nightshades, salt, cooked crap. Even ate a potato.  Bad idea.
Don’t try to problem solve this.  I have been working on it for 30 years.  I’d be interested only in hearing from anyone who has solved such a situation, personally, but . . .

The only real solution was to stop eating all cooked foods. I keep trying to get to that again. Hot water, bath salts and breathwork last night and this morning helped for a while.

I did 1 minute on the elliptical this morning and the Egoscue minus the Tower of Torture.

I want to go to bed and get up tomorrow!
Just saying.
Love, Ann

5 Minutes to Deep Peace on Thursday 9/13

September 11, 2007

You will be entertained at the very least and enlightenment is an option.

Thursday, 9/13, there is a teleconference call where you can learn more about this. There will be sample meditations and a chance at a free gift worth $400. 

Trust me. You want to try this. The IAM Meditations are the product of the fertile mind of Steven Sashen who is also responsible for much of the Shampoo Method we talk about here every day.

It’s completely safe. I’d trust this guy with my life.

This feeling, this is what we have all been looking for our whole lives. It’s like coming home.

Love, Ann  

Egoscue Method of Healing Through Motion

July 10, 2007

Well, I never thought I’d find something I think will replace Flow Chiropractic (formerly Network Chiropractic) in my life, but it looks like I have. 

Steven Sashen mentioned Egoscue Therapy to me months ago, and I just now got around to checking it out. I ordered a used copy of one of the books and nearly every word I read rang resoundingly true to me.

The first chapter of the book I got points out that the body is designed to move.

Well, yeah, but due to various traumas in my very very early life, mine never has. I have sought help through many modalities. I’m doing great with the mental/emotional/spiritual healing. No problems there (Remember… “There is a problem.”  “Is it true?”)  And I still have body things that aren’t feeling good. Pain is my messenger.

Not being able to move, I gain weight. It doesn’t take a lot of movement for me to start losing weight but it HURTS to move.

Not having seen Kelly, my chiropractor in about 3 months, my body was in sad shape when I met my Egoscue therapist yesterday for the first time.

Network Chiropractic, then Flow Chiropractic has kept me relatively out of pain for about 14 years, but movement? Movement is supposed to feel good?  Can’t prove that by me! (Well, maybe sex, but that’s all and even dancing has fallen off my calendar.)

After an hour with the Egoscue therapist yesterday, I was moving more fluidly than I ever remember moving in my entire life, far better than after even my best chiropractic adjustments with Dr. Lance Wright, *and* I left with a menu of ecises to take home and do the same exact thing FOR MYSELF. Some of it is based on yoga and other therapies.

The ecises are designed to get the body back into balance with shoulders, hips, knees and ankles functioning according to design. When we’re out of balance hips try to do the work of knees and ankles try to be shoulders and things like that. It doesn’t work.

The disclaimer in the books basically say that if you need a disclaimer and are not willing to take responsibility for your own health, put the book back on the shelf and walk away. Wow.

If you feel drawn, try it. It’s pricey, but I have been graced with a gift from Paul to get started on it and we’ll see how it goes from here. (Thank you, Paul!)

Here is the web site so you can find someone doing Egoscue Therapy in your area.

Travel Clinics in various areas are at:

You can get online ecises tailored to your body on the web site.

There are books & ecise DVDs at Amazon:

The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion

Pain-Free, A Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain

Pain-Free For Women – The Revolutionary Method for Ending Chronic Pain

Pain-Free at Your PC

Egoscue: Painfree Workout Series, Vol. I & II (DVDs)

Ask me questions, check it out, let me know how it goes for you.

Love, Ann

“What is not happening is adequate motion.”

                            – Pete Egoscue