Shampoo Series – Annoying is When . . .

someone else does something that bothers you when you do it.


We only get upset when we have done the same thing and not liked ourselves for doing it. Or when we have that same annoying character trait.


Because you believe it of yourself.  And you don’t like it.

In other words, might you be at least as annoyed with yourself as with the other person?


What are you favorite annoyances?

Fat people?

Stupid people?

People who drive like you do?   🙂

Do you see the way out?

Relax. It’s obviously fine to be that way. You’re that way.

You might wonder whether you could be any different or do things any differently?

Well, could you?

I’ll bet if you could have you would have.

And you certainly can’t go back in time and change it now!

Isn’t that a relaxing thought?

It’s done. Nothing you can do about it.  

Which way do you think it will be easier to remember and see a different choice in the future? Peaceful or annoyed?

Peaceful, of course.

So relax.

The way not to be annoyed by others is to accept that you’re sometimes fat or dumb or you drive crazy .

And the way to do it differently in the future, is to relax.  

Many thanks and much love to Steven Sashen who taught me this much truer perspective on annoyance.

Love, Ann

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