Shampoo Series – Green Eggs and Ham Re-Pairing the Universe

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First, my mother’s wisdom on the subject:

“Ping or pong – it’s still the same game.”

Mother re-paired the universe there. So, did the little guy in Green Eggs & Ham. All he had to do was to try them. I have a friend in Texas, Kurt, who says, “Always try it twice- it might be an acquired taste.”

Ping – I know Paul and I could make a fabulous couple, enjoying life and doing things together in the world.

Pong – Marriage after 3 visits? Essentially 3 dates? Well, no wonder I balk at that. I’m willing to commit to moving in that direction, certainly.

Paul said “I feel pressured.” He also turned it around and noticed that “I am pressuring you.”

Clarity reigns.

He has been attracted to me for 35 years. I thought he was a nice guy, a good friend, but since he is like neither my father, nor my mother, I did not have the instinctive chemistry that we all have when we meet someone who is the same familiar Higher Alignment archetype as our parents.

I am extremely attracted to Paul’s conversation, goals, values and the way he opens to reality and truth in a heartbeat (especially when I challenge the Southern Baptist Conventions).

My attraction is different. Sexual attraction is learnable. I know that. I am even trained in how to create it. Might take some practice. That’s okay. Sometimes I look at him and think he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever had.

We keep doing The Work of Byron Katie together, the IAM meditations from Steven Sashen, especially Goal-Free Goal Setting, Re-Pairing Opposites and Releasing Contractions.

I’m enjoying the greatest game on Earth – two people dancing their lives together.

Your serve, Paul!

Love, Ann

One Response to “Shampoo Series – Green Eggs and Ham Re-Pairing the Universe”

  1. Ann O'Johnson Says:

    An astrologer friend read this and sent me the following:

    Here’s what I got from your dream. The former roommate’s appearance flags the elder archetype, Saturn. Also the appearance of your grandmother, and maybe your friend’s husband, too, but I don’t know anything about him. So, you’re dreaming about structure. Like you said, setting up a structure—building—for your healing center. In your horoscope, transiting Saturn will pass over your natal Pluto in a few weeks. This is the first passage, and it will repeat in January and then in July.

    This is not Chiron healing; it is building a structure for transformational healing work (Pluto in the 6th house). The other thing from your dream that indicates approaching fruition of this is that the color of the house changed from yellow to red, at least partially. Alchemically, the color red is the color of the fourth stage, in which completion is reached. (Yellow is the color of the third stage, in which you are dealing with the issues relating to the opposite—in your case, the masculine archetypes; red means you’ve healed something there).

    Miscellaneous notes: I recognized most of the trauma symptoms. There’s’ a connection between Pluto and Chiron; maybe it’s a matter of degree?

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